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SR140 High Speed Doors

Lucid SR140 never stops

Research also reveals that, while such risk mitigation measures are successful to a considerable extent, they fall short of eliminating accidents completely. In order to ensure enhanced safety, the Lucid SR140 series high-speed doors are equipped with soft edges. In the event of a collision, the door curtain on the Lucid SR140 are released from the rails. When the door is reactivated, the door curtain is reset without the need of any outside assistance; notably reducing service costs and downtime.

The features of every Lucid model bear advantage over other Lucid models, depending on the intended use. This is where the expertise of our sales team shines through to propose the optimum solution (such as a flexible or rigid door curtain) to meet the very demands of your specific needs.

Technical Details

Shop Drawing

Safety risk analysis of industrial high-speed traffic doors reveals two major outcomes:

• Risk of injury or material damage is prevalent while the door is closing,

• The downtime between failure and/or collision and recommissioning of the door is a critical factor for operational costs.

Commonly accepted elemental methods of reducing risk of accidents concerning high-speed doors in industrial areas with dense traffic include:

• Increasing the door opening speed,
• Adopting opening and safety activators,
• Regular safety trainings for forklift/vehicle operators.





Benefits of the Lucid SR140:
• Never stops in the collision,
• Door curtain self-reset feature,
• Perfect price/function ratio,
• Carry average wind class in internal areas,
• No concern downtime.

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